Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Video of the Week

Happy New Year to all! I am posting this song for obvious reasons. Old Lang Syne is the traditonal New Year's song. But this song, to me is just such a beautiful song, and it does have special meaning to me. This is my dad's favorite artist. And I don't blame him. He was a very gifted artist. I hope you enjoy, I sure am!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Happy Holidays!

I am going to be working in the morning, and then I am off to Leitchfield to see my mom and family. And then off to Morgantown to see my dad and family. I wanted to let everyone know I am wishing them a safe and happy holiday weekend. I hope you enjoy your family and friends, and have loads of fun.


Thursday, December 18, 2008

Elijah James!

Is he not the cutest little thing? I love him! Whit and Nick are very lucky, and they are already such wonderful parents! I love you guys too! As he is!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Christmas Card photo session!

As you can see in the photos, Maggie was NOT feeling this photo session! But to the lucky 65, you will be seeing one of these images in your mailbox very soon!

Oh Christmas time....the time to GIVE!

I have never been one to think of Christmas as my favorite time of the year. For it to be in the running for that, it would have to be 80 degrees outside and drinking was allowed at family functions. Oh and none of the stress of the holidays involved. This Christmas seems to be a little more on the stressful side than others I can recall. It has been a horrible year to say the least. Our economy is in a huge downturn, and I really hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I agree with the people who say it will get worse before it gets better. I do though believe it will get better! America is very resilient. And I take pride in that fact. But with the stress of this Christmas, I wanted to take time to remind everyone that there our people who will not be able to celebrate. Maybe they lost their job. Maybe they are without a home because of foreclosure. Maybe they are out fighting a war. Oh maybe they are so strapped for cash that they can't afford a Christmas. For those people, I ask that you remember the Christmas spirit and the TRUE American way. Treat those people as you would want to be treated in that situation, and give. Volunteer, help out in a soup kitchen, donate to the salvation army, give blood, adopt an animal, or donate to a shelter. I know of many good people who are going without this year. And I am thankful that I still have a home, food, and a job. I just ask that you take time to stop and see the true spirit of Christmas.
If more people did, maybe Christmas would be my favorite Holiday after all. Cold weather aside.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Video of the week/month!

So I just watched the Britney special on MTV. Good stuff. Though I would NEVER want her life. But here's to Miss B. Happy Birthday, I just can't get enough of her.

Blonde or Brunette...

I have been seriously flirting with the idea of going a dark mocha brown. I am naturally a blonde, but it just sounds so exotic and exciting to dye my hair dark. I am still in debate over it, but if you see new pics of me posted soon you will know I overcame my fear.

-On another note, sorry I haven't posted in a while. I have been L-A-M-E!

Other news, Whit had her baby boy! Eli is now here. I am finally making the haul down to Louisville and I plan to post new pics of him as soon as I get back! Congrats to my DAB! She is the! And her baby is too!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Palin, I prefer monsters in my nightmares!

Really the title of this blog says it all. It's true too! I can't even sleep at night, this woman is consuming me. Maybe it's because I watch too much CNN. But this woman is against everything I seem to stand for. I am all for a woman in power, but Palin is not that woman. Hillary would have been. I don't even want to get started on my dislike for the republicans right now. They are disgusting me. I am I suppose an overly concerned citizen and voter. This election may send me to the ER with ulcer pains. But please, for those reading who are not familar with Mrs. Palin, take a look at where she stands on issues. Enjoy!

You will have to copy and paste that link. Sorry!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

It's a Boy!

So Adam's sister Nancy had a baby last tuesday. His name Ryan Joesph Alan Langworthy...long I know...but he is adorable...I just love him. All is well, baby and momma! Yay! I just love little boys. So adorable. See I get giddy just talking about them...


And on that note, i believe this is the year of the boys. One of my best and favorite friends Sara gave birth to a beautiful baby boy named Maddox in March. And one of my other best and favorite friends is due to give birth to a beautiful baby boy in November!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Video of the Week!

Honestly the video I wanted someone had blocked the sharing on here is my second choice...if you wish to hear my first choice...go look up "After Midnight, Eric Clapton, Crossroads." It's pretty stellar!....but enjoy this one... It a good one...and just happend this weekend at Bonnaroo...LOVE THIS SONG!!!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Take time to remember....

I know I am just going to be turning 24 years old this year, but for those how know me, they know I have a deep love for history and for politics. So of course I wanted to blog tonight on Robert F. Kennedy. Possibly my favorite Kennedy. It is forty years ago tonight that he was celebrating his primary win in California. It is also tonight that he was fatally wounded. Though he was shot in the morning hours of June 5th, it was tonights victory celebration that it occured at. I like to think of him as an inspirational person in very trying times. The 60's were a pivitol point in our nations history. He was the rock star then. I can't help but compare what is happeing now, and the capmpaign that we have going on to what was happeing back in 1968. Barack just secured the nomination after a close primary on June 3. RFK secured it on June 4, after a very close primary as well. Both were and are in Obama's case suppose to bring change. And they invoke a certain excitment in people. One that makes you feel like you can help change our world for the better. I think that this is also a critical time we live in. We have a war that I feel was propaganda for The Bush administraion and there quest to be oil rich. We have a struggling economy, a very bad credit crisis, our rankings in the world have fallen. And the next president will be the one appointing supreme court justices. It could be the most conservitve bench, or god willing,be balanced. We also have an enviroment in shambles. We have alot on our plate. And a change is needed. If you have not taken the time to get fimilar with Obama and McCain I think now is the time. And if you really want to be inspired I suggest you read up on RFK. He too was quite a "Rockstar."

"Few will have the greatness to bend history; but each of us can work to change a small portion of events, and in the total of all those acts will be written the history of this generation ... It is from numberless diverse acts of courage and belief that human history is thus shaped. Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current which can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance."- Robert Francis Kennedy

Robert F. Kennedy

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Video of the week

So Weezer has a new album out today, I listened to the whole thing on Sirus this weekend, and I think it rocked. Here is the video for the single "Pork and Beans", I hope you enjoy!

A must read!

As if I needed another reason to really dislike the administration...

I just read my new issue of newsweek, which if you do not read I suggest you do. It is very informative, though I do believe it to be a little biased to Obama, but really what media outlet is not these days? Anyways, the point at hand that got me looking at this issue of our enviroment and Bush came from the cover story of endangered species, and the politics of getting them listed into the ESA, or endangered species act. It is very alarming and also eye opening in the ways of this administarion. I am all for helping the enviroment over profit of any kind. Nature before companies is hwo it should be. Though if you feel differently, I would ask you to stop thinking of it as about you, and think of your children and grandchildren. Anyways, I suggest reading both articles...very good reads!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Oh how I can count the ways I love him...

So, I was looking up ways to get more protein and not eat meat, and what did I discover? That PAUL MCCARTNEY eats no meat as well. I seriously could not have made a better man if I was given the option. Well...Mr. Big maybe...but seriously check it out!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Oh please be faking!

I admit, I have become completely obsessed with CSI Miami!!! I love Horatio! I think he is soooo funny. But on the season finale the other night, it ends with him appearing to be shot to death!!! I almost died, how can you kill off the main character? Why in the world would anyone watch if him and his shades were not on the show! So heres to hoping that Horatio is faking his death and will once again get the bad guys! Why do I care so much? BECAUSE HORATIO IS THE MAN!!!!!!


Monday, May 19, 2008

He's all grown up, part 1

Here are pictures from Jacob's senior prom. One with Adam and I with him and his girlfriend Hope. And one with just them! They looked lovely.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

I guess I am jumping on this train...

So the kentucky primaries are tuesday, and my main political love is john Edwards. I have been undecided since he dropped out, but I support him so much that I feel compelled to vote the way he endorsed. So I guess I am going to have to swallow my pride and jump on the Obama band wagon, I bet my brother and fiance get a kick out of this post.

Obama Edwards

Crickets and trains

Living in the country is something I have known a good deal of my life. I did grow up in Leitchfield, Ky. But I must say, I am still getting use to the sound of crickets at night and the trains. I am use to hearing bottles being thrown out of the hideaway, people fighting in the streets of Bardstown road, loud neighbors and the bands playing next door. It is taking some getting use to, but I think I like it. Never did I think I would enjoy solitude, and the sound of nothing really. But I think it was a nice change. At least for a while. Being removed from my city life helps me see past whats going on this weekend and helps me to focus on finishing school, and various projects I want to accomplish. I get to garden!!! I have a yard, and I really enjoy the smell of the fresh cut grass. I am not saying I do not miss Louisville, because I do, I love love love that city. And some of my best friends are there, and there is not a moment that passes that I do not wish I could have packed them up with me. I am just saying, I am making the best of country living, and I have the luxury of being able to enjoy city living anytime I want, after all it's only a drive away!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Video of the week!!!

So...I have a thing for British artist. I can not help it... I love them, always have. I mean my all time love is Sir Paul...anyways... I have really been getting into this artist.. and I think he is worth all of you to give a listen to if you have not heard him already....ENJOY!!!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Until death do you part...

So the first of us got married....Crystal. I thought the wedding was a hit and I loved every minute of it. It's so true though, they fly by. And all you want to do is enjoy the time with your friends.... and of course drink and dance. I thought I would share a few images, and again congratulate Crystal. I could not be happier for you...Mrs. Copperwheat.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Heeeeeelllloooooo Looooovvvveeerrr!!!!

I could not be more excitied about a movie coming out... Seriously, there is NOTHING better than Carrie Bradshaw...and I mean that! She is the ultimate...and that STILL is the ultimate show....guidelines for all women really...mark your calanders....MAY 30TH!!!!

Friday, March 7, 2008

My video of the Week

So this video is of one of my british loves. I always loved Robbie Williams, and I found this video tonight of him performing and knew it was how I would start this blogging....I hope you all like it as much as I do...ENJOY!!!