Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Video of the week!!!

So...I have a thing for British artist. I can not help it... I love them, always have. I mean my all time love is Sir Paul...anyways... I have really been getting into this artist.. and I think he is worth all of you to give a listen to if you have not heard him already....ENJOY!!!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Until death do you part...

So the first of us got married....Crystal. I thought the wedding was a hit and I loved every minute of it. It's so true though, they fly by. And all you want to do is enjoy the time with your friends.... and of course drink and dance. I thought I would share a few images, and again congratulate Crystal. I could not be happier for you...Mrs. Copperwheat.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Heeeeeelllloooooo Looooovvvveeerrr!!!!

I could not be more excitied about a movie coming out... Seriously, there is NOTHING better than Carrie Bradshaw...and I mean that! She is the ultimate...and that STILL is the ultimate show....guidelines for all women really...mark your calanders....MAY 30TH!!!!

Friday, March 7, 2008

My video of the Week

So this video is of one of my british loves. I always loved Robbie Williams, and I found this video tonight of him performing and knew it was how I would start this blogging....I hope you all like it as much as I do...ENJOY!!!