Thursday, May 29, 2008

Oh how I can count the ways I love him...

So, I was looking up ways to get more protein and not eat meat, and what did I discover? That PAUL MCCARTNEY eats no meat as well. I seriously could not have made a better man if I was given the option. Well...Mr. Big maybe...but seriously check it out!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Oh please be faking!

I admit, I have become completely obsessed with CSI Miami!!! I love Horatio! I think he is soooo funny. But on the season finale the other night, it ends with him appearing to be shot to death!!! I almost died, how can you kill off the main character? Why in the world would anyone watch if him and his shades were not on the show! So heres to hoping that Horatio is faking his death and will once again get the bad guys! Why do I care so much? BECAUSE HORATIO IS THE MAN!!!!!!


Monday, May 19, 2008

He's all grown up, part 1

Here are pictures from Jacob's senior prom. One with Adam and I with him and his girlfriend Hope. And one with just them! They looked lovely.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

I guess I am jumping on this train...

So the kentucky primaries are tuesday, and my main political love is john Edwards. I have been undecided since he dropped out, but I support him so much that I feel compelled to vote the way he endorsed. So I guess I am going to have to swallow my pride and jump on the Obama band wagon, I bet my brother and fiance get a kick out of this post.

Obama Edwards

Crickets and trains

Living in the country is something I have known a good deal of my life. I did grow up in Leitchfield, Ky. But I must say, I am still getting use to the sound of crickets at night and the trains. I am use to hearing bottles being thrown out of the hideaway, people fighting in the streets of Bardstown road, loud neighbors and the bands playing next door. It is taking some getting use to, but I think I like it. Never did I think I would enjoy solitude, and the sound of nothing really. But I think it was a nice change. At least for a while. Being removed from my city life helps me see past whats going on this weekend and helps me to focus on finishing school, and various projects I want to accomplish. I get to garden!!! I have a yard, and I really enjoy the smell of the fresh cut grass. I am not saying I do not miss Louisville, because I do, I love love love that city. And some of my best friends are there, and there is not a moment that passes that I do not wish I could have packed them up with me. I am just saying, I am making the best of country living, and I have the luxury of being able to enjoy city living anytime I want, after all it's only a drive away!